CPUs are made of millions of transistors in a semiconductor chip. The distance between them, in nanometers, will determine how many transistors will be packed in the semiconductor chip.
A smaller distance will significantly reduce the distance traveled by electrons and their overall performance. The outcomes of a small Nm in a processor are less energy consumption, faster computing power, smaller die size, less heat dissipation, and less thermal output around the board.
All these advantages will significantly increase transistor density which results in more core in every chip and considerably reduce costs. Currently, the processor lithography of TSMC is 7nm, while Intel’s own is 10nm.
When you compare TSMC’s 7nm processor to their 14nm processor, the 7nm processor has more transistors in a given space. This means the 7nm processor consumes less power, dissipates less energy, and has faster computing power than the 14nm processor. You can use this to determine how good your gadget is.
Still, it would be best not to forget only to compare the nm processors of the same manufacturers since every manufacturer has its way of measuring nm in the processor.
There are numerous benefits of having a small nm processor in your gadgets, and some of them include:
- Higher Transistor Density: The smaller the sizes of transistors and the distance between them, the more transistors you can pack in the given area. If you take two processors with the same die side and one uses a smaller value during the manufacturing process, the one with a smaller value will have more transistors packed in it.
- Lower Power Transistors: Transistors can conveniently control the on/off switch with less power in lower nm CPUs. Also, the smaller nm process will be electrically efficient.
- Faster Transistor: Electrons will travel less to work optimally and efficiently if the distance between the source and transistor is small. And this can only be achieved with a small nm processor. So the distance between the transistors will also be significantly reduced, which will make the transistor work faster.
- Less Heat Dissipation: Because the electrons do not have to travel much before working efficiently and the transistors are close to each other, less heat is dissipated.